Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sister Parish Board Visit and Solidarity Walk at St. Thomas

The Sister Parish Board will be holding their annual meeting at St. Thomas November 9-11. There are a variety of opportunities for our congregation to engage in conversations and food with them! Please check the newsletter and bulletins for all of these opportunities. One key opportunity is the Solidarity Walk on Saturday, Nov. 10. Please consider joining in this short Solidarity Walk or supporting it through prayer and/or your donations. This is the one key fundraising event that the national organization does each year to help fund their organization. Sister Parish has also recently updated their website, so you can add this to your bookmarked pages and check it out! http://sisterparish.org/activities/solidarity-walk/ The Mission Committee invites you to join into the conversations, food and fun with the Sister Parish Board Nov. 9-11. Please check the newsletter and bulletin for more details. Thanks to all the people who are helping make this visit possible through their offers of housing, transportation, food and more!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Upcoming Mission Holiday Sale

Beginning November 11, the mission committee will be hosting a sale of items that support several of our mission partners. We will have fair trade items from LWR/SERRV, as well as jewelry from Living Waters and quilted items from an ELCA missionary organization for women and children with HIV/Aids. The mission committee plans on hosting this sale for three weeks, unless inventory runs too low. So please stop by and see if there are any potential gift items you would like to purchase for the holidays. Please also consider if you are able to make any additional small donation beyond the price of the items to support our mission ministries and programs. Thank you!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Please consider supporting the youth group as they sponsor our participation in CROP Walk this year! They have a table in the narthex, so please check it out. The walk begins this Sunday, October 21, at First United Church. Registration is at 1:30 pm and the walk begins at 2 pm. Please consider making a contribution to this wonderful fundraiser that supports local, national and global hunger and poverty alleviation. You can still contribute even the week or two after the walk occurs. Thank you to our youth group for sponsoring this event for St. Thomas!

Monday, October 1, 2012

St. Thomas Kiva Lenders

Wow! The St. Thomas Kiva Lenders have just hit the $5000 mark for the 160 loans that the team has made to men and women all around the globe! That is really exciting! Thank you for being a part of their stories, walking along side of them as they take the initiative to improve their lives. May this continue to be a blessing for many more. Thank you from the Mission Committee!